SPECIAL REPORT: Inclusivity in Capital Markets Demands Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability reporting entails assessing, dis­closing and managing an organization’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts. This prac­tice communi­cates to investors, custo­mers, employ­ees and regulators that the organization is com­mit­ted to sustainability. The dis­closure element, in particular, con­veys values, strategies, risks, oppor­tunities, account­ability and trans­par­ency.

The significance of sustain­ability re­port­ing within capital markets is increasing steadily, as more investors are seeking ESG information from potential and on­going investees. This is due to the profound influence that ESG factors have on a company’s financial performance, risk pro­file and long-term prospects. Moreover, sustain­ability reporting con­trib­utes positively to the growth of the capital market, leading to increased size, liquidity and efficiency of the market for raising and investing funds. This growth benefits issuers, investors, the overall economy and society at large.

Sustainability reporting fosters capital market growth through many channels. By openly disclosing their ESG performance and impacts, organizations establish trust and credibility, setting themselves apart from competitors. This not only enhances their appeal to investors but also lowers the cost of capital. Moreover, integrating comprehensive and consistent ESG information with financial reporting bolsters mar­­ket efficiency and trans­parency, reducing information asymmetry and miti­gating agency issues. Additionally, the meas­ure­ment and ongoing monitor­ing of sustainabil­ity progress drive organizations to improve their bus­iness models, products, services and processes, generating in­creased value for stakeholders. To contrib­ute to the development of effective pol­icies, it is important to comply with ESG disclosure regu­la­tions, such as the EU’s Non-financial Re­port­ing Di­rective or the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Dis­closures’ recommendations. Finally, by re­vealing ESG risks, organi­za­tions assist investors in iden­tifying and man­aging these risks, leading to more efficient capital al­location, min­imizing the poten­tial for market shocks.

Multiple studies provide evidence that sustainability reporting offers medium- to long-term benefits to companies, enhancing their image and valuation, thereby making them more appealing to stakeholders and shareholders. Notably, sustainability reporting has been shown to increase a company’s valuation by fostering trust. For example, Unilever published a sustain­ability report highlighting progress on various ESG initiatives in 2019. Invest­ors responded by driving a 10-percent rise in the company’s share price.

A study by the Uni­versity of Oxford found that companies publishing sustainability reports tend to have higher valu­ations compared to those that do not. This is because sustainability reporting enables investors to better comprehend a company’s ESG risks and opportunities, resulting in improved investment de­cisions.

Despite the benefits, companies face various challenges in implement­ing sustainability reporting. One of these is a lack of in-house capacity to develop comprehensive ESG reports. Moreover, the complexity of the subject matter often leaves companies uncertain about what to report and how to ensure traceability. The absence of universally accept­ed reporting standards for sustainability further hampers the compar­ability of companies’ sustainability reports, making it chal­leng­ing for investors to make informed decisions. Additionally, in­stances of “greenwashing” have resulted in inaccurate and misleading sustain­ability reports. Thus, a mutually acceptable framework and standards are necessary to guide the production and sharing of this information.

The future of sustainability reporting is promising, as investors increas­ingly are prioritizing ESG factors. The growing demand for sustain­ability re­porting will drive companies to improve their sustainability perform­ance and provide more transparent and comprehensive in­form­a­tion regarding ESG risks and opportunities over time. To meet the ex­panding de­mand for sustainability reporting, companies must invest in developing their reporting capabilities. Collaborating with investors and other stakeholders is essential to establish common stan­dards.

Sustainability reporting is not only a means of communication but also a catalyst for change. It plays a vital role in supporting the growth of capital markets, benefiting organizations and society as a whole. There­­fore, it is crucial for organizations to embrace sustainability re­porting as a strategic practice while investors, policymakers, regulators and other stakeholders actively support and encourage its adoption.

AFI’s role in sustainability reporting
Agents for Impact (AFI) plays a significant role in advancing sustain­ability reporting by offering expertise and tools to organizations aiming to measure, manage and communicate their social and environmental impact. AFI recognizes that this reporting is both a powerful means of demon­strating accountability and transparency to stakeholders as well as a strategic tool for identifying risks and opportunities, enhancing performance, and bolstering an organization’s reputation.

AFI has developed the Agents for Impact Sustainability Alignment Rating (AFISAR©) Tool to simplify the sustainability reporting pro­cess, particularly for microfinance and SME finance institutions. The AFI­SAR© Tool assesses the alignment of an organization’s sustain­ability per­form­ance, both at the institutional and portfolio levels, with the Sustainable Dev­elopment Goals (SDGs). It also assists organiza­tions in several addition­al, critical ways:
1) Selecting relevant topics and indicators;
2) Data collection and validation;
3) Assessing sustainability performance;
4) Professional reporting; and
5) Effective com­munication.

AFI’s role in sustain­ability report­ing is marked by a commit­ment to mak­ing impact measurable and enab­ling or­gan­­izations to align their sustain­ability efforts with the SDGs. Thus, AFI’s sup­port and tools con­tribute to great­er trans­parency, accountability and pro­gress toward sustainable develop­ment with­in the business world.

Furthermore, AFI is in the process of developing a new version of AFISAR© that will help managers of §9 funds comply with the Sus­tainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, in­cluding by sharing data on the associated Principal Adverse Indicators.

In conclusion, sustainability reporting plays a pivotal role in nurturing capital market growth. By enabling organizations to transparently measure, manage and communicate their social and environmental impact, sustainability reporting enhances trust and reputation, lowers capital costs and fosters market efficiency. It drives innovation, sup­ports policy development and assists investors in making informed decisions, ultimately promoting the efficient allocation of capital and reducing market vulnerabilities. The commitment of organizations like AFI to advancing sustainability reporting tools and meth­odologies supports this practice in shaping a more responsible and resilient global capital market.

This article was written by the Rating Department of Agents for Impact, which is the sponsor of this feature. Learn more on AFI’s LinkedIn page.

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