SPECIAL REPORT: Agents for Impact: Well-equipped for Future Business Development

Agents for Impact GmbH (AFI), which acts as an intermediary be­tween investors and the world of impact investing, successfully has won FS Invest Holding as an investor. With an eye on the long-term, as of August 2022, FS Invest took a 75-percent stake in our consulting bou­tique, which is focused on sustain­ability, impact investing and financial inclusion.

FS Invest is part of the Helmig family’s group of companies, which is already active in sev­eral other holdings in the financial sector, in­cluding through its ATON Group.

“We are pleased to have an experienced investor at our side that will carry Agents for Impact into the future and enable us to expand our business,” says Dr Andrij Fetsun, AFI’s CEO (pictured).

About AFI

AFI was founded in 2018 by Dr Fetsun and Ms Edda Schröder with the purpose of: (1) increasing impact investments in emerging and developing markets by building bridges between impact investors and the world of impact investing in order to enable financial inclu­sion for under­served populations across the world; and (2) contri­buting to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the help of the firm’s proprietary SDG rating system, the Agents for Impact Sustainability Alignment Rating (AFISAR©) Tool.

AFISAR© helps microfinance institutions (MFIs) leverage the growing importance of strong sus­tainability performance vis-à?vis international investors, particularly im­pact investors. The rating tool analyses an MFI’s operations (at both the institu­tional and portfolio levels) based on a compre­hensive set of environ­mental, social and governance (ESG) indicators. In addition to sustain­ability consulting, AFI per­forms plausibility checks on ESG ratings. The goals are to assess sus­tainability, impact and regulation (risk evaluation); make impact measurable and comparable (rating); and make financial inclu­sion investable for investors (via research).

AFI is a truly international company, with passion­ate and highly experienced special­ists working remotely across the globe, em­bedded in emerging markets, close to our partners. We share different cultures, genders, professional back­grounds, and working and communication styles. Our core strength – identifying needs and impact potential in high-risk markets – emerges from this wide range of skills and expertise among our team mem­bers, who are well-versed in their respective local contexts.

AFI understands how essential it is to improve the impact measurement of businesses through stable and coherent frameworks. To deliver on this promise, AFI designed a specialized investment approach to support MFIs that exhibit a strong commitment to – and proven track record in – progressing toward multiple SDGs. To evaluate an MFI’s per­formance, AFI peels back the surface to deploy a strong assortment of cohesive and rigorous assessment tools, including financial analysis as well as address­ing social performance indicators, sustainability factors and ESG risks.

AFI is an active member of Germany’s federal Impact Investing initiative and, among others, was co-lead of the group’s impact measurement and management initiative.

To discuss how we can partner with you, please contact us via info@agentsforimpact.com or +49 69 2043699 13.

This feature is sponsored by Agents for Impact.

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