MICROFINANCE EVENT: Sustainability Week; March 29-31, 2023; London, United Kingdom

This eighth annual Sustainability Week is intended to help businesses, policymakers, investors and NGOs achieve their sustainability goals more quickly. The event offers online and in-person sessions in topic areas such as: (1) Green Finance and Investment (2) Decarbonizing Business Models; (3) Biodiversity; (4) Innovative Technology; (5) Social Sustainability; (6) Policy, Regulation and Reporting; (7) Resilience and Adaptation; and (8) Circularity and Supply Chains.

Background on Organizer: The Economist Group is a media company based in the UK that specializes in business information and international affairs. In addition to publishing The Economist magazine, the group is active in providing market intelligence and organizing conferences.

Cost: The full fee to attend in-person is GBP 899 (USD 1,085), but a discounted rate of GBP 699 (USD 840) available through January. Online access is free of charge.

For more information, you may email events[at]economist.com or call +44 207 576 8000. For enquiries on speaking at the event, you may contact Edward Glanville at edwardglanville[at]economist.com, Arundhati Dube at arundhatidube[at]economist.com or Iulia-Lorena Rus at iulialorenarus[at]economist.com.

By Nicholas Weising, Research Assistant

Sources and Additional Resources

Event website

The Economist Group homepage

Sustainability Week 2022 videos

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