MICROFINANCE EVENT: Opportunity Collaboration; October 13-18, 2019; Cancun, Mexico

This is the 10th annual iteration of this networking event, which is dedicated to fostering relationships among social entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders and funders. The proceedings include collaborative activities such as meals, exercise sessions, media clinics and “office hours” at which attendees host small discussion groups. Delegates also will run “capacity-building clinics” covering skills such as “How to Build Stronger Succession Plans with Millennial Engagement.” Various “conversations for change” will address themes including “Corporate Social Responsibility in International Development: Human Rights Challenges” and “Supporting Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Resilience to Keep Your Team On Mission For the Long Haul.”

Event Organizer: Opportunity Collaboration is a US-based network of 250 people that stages two annual summits, one each in Mexico and the US. Both are opportunities for delegates to network, discuss strategies and pool resources for reducing poverty. The event in Mexico is scheduled each year to coincide with World Poverty Day on October 17.

Cost: The fee, which includes housing, meals, access to all activities, and ground transportation to and from the Cancun International Airport, is USD 2,950 with a shared suite. An upgrade to a private room costs an additional USD 2,000.

Event website: https://ocimpact.com/oc-global/

For information on enrollment and travel, you may contact Tracie Hudgins at tracie[at]ocimpact.com or +1 602 647 9121. For special requests or information about delegate sessions, you may contact Jorian Wilkins at jorian[at]ocimpact.com or +1 305 905 1424.

By Soham Mehta, Research Associate

Sources and Additional Resources

Opportunity Collaboration homepage: https://ocimpact.com/oc-global/

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Opportunity Collaboration; October 14 – 19, 2018; Cancun, Mexico https://www.microcapital.org/microfinance-event-opportunity-collaboration-october-14-19-2018-cancun-mexico/

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Opportunity Collaboration; October 15 – 20, 2017; Ixtapa, Mexico https://www.microcapital.org/microfinance-event-opportunity-collaboration-october-15-20-2017-ixtapa-mexico/

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