MICROFINANCE EVENT: Sanabel Conference; November 22-23, 2022; Cairo, Egypt

Themed “Reality and the Future of Financial Inclusion in the Arab World,” this event will include sessions such as: (1) Green Microfinance in the MENA [Middle East and North Africa] Region: Findings and Ways Forward; (2) Empowering MSMEs [Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises] for Financial Inclusion and Growth and Overcoming Challenges: The Role of the Microfinance Sector; and (3) Progressing or Regressing: What Findex 2021 Data Tells Us About the State of Financial Inclusion in the Arab World.

Background on Organizer: Sanabel, a membership organization of financial services providers, was launched in 2002. Its role is to promote financial inclusion in Arab countries by promoting “best practices, transparency and client protection” as well as enabling regulatory environments and the establishment of national microfinance networks. Sanabel is registered as a nonprofit organization in Egypt, where it is headquartered, as well as in the US.

Cost: The standard fee to attend the event is USD 1,100, with discounts of USD 100 offered to Egyptian citizens and Sanabel members.

For further information, you may call +2 02 2537 3170 or +2 0100 041 0458, or you may email conference2018[at]sanabelnetwork.org.

By Renata Samadova, Research Associate

Sources and Additional Resources

Sanabel Conference homepage

Event agenda

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