Mexican Microfinance Investment Bank Compartamos Will Sell Shares at $0.42 Each, for a Total of $15.25 Million.

Compartamos was founded in 1990 to provide microfinance services to the Mexican population as employment generated by microenterprises outpaced job growth in the formal economy. It became “fully functional and self-sufficient in 1997,” and is now a Non Banking Financial Institution (Sociedad Financiera de Objeto Limitado). Compartamos is a member of the ACCION International and Microfinance Networks. Investors include the Accion Gateway Fund, the International Finance Corporation, Oikocredit, ProFund International, S.A., the Triodos Fair Share Fund and the Triodos-Doen Foundation. Annual figures last updated December 31st, 2004 on the MIX Market, an information clearinghouse for microfinance recognized as the standard by MicroCapital, stated Total Assets of $125,140,019, and a Gross Loan Portfolio of $101,023,790 distributed among of 309,637 Active Borrowers. Compartamos does not offer savings accounts. For the same 2003-2004 period the company posted a Debt / Equity Ratio of 154.63%, an ROA of 18.2% and Profit Margins of 40.44%. Further details about the deal are not publicly available.

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