MICROFINANCE EVENT: MEDA Convention: Celebrating Entrepreneurship; November 2-6, 2022; Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

With the aim of advancing the success of entrepreneurs, this event offers plenary sessions such as: (1) Revolutionizing Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Bridging the Finance Gap for Women Entrepreneurs; and (2) Food Security: Addressing the Risks in Our Global Food Systems and What It Means for Entrepreneurs. On November 5, the MEDAx Pitch Competition offers prizes

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Incofin; Microfinance Institutions Fundenuse, Fundeser, MiCrédito Operate Satellite-based Weather-index Microinsurance for Coffee, Grain Farmers in Nicaragua

Belgium’s Incofin Investment Management recently launched an insurance plan with Nicaraguan microfinance institutions (MFIs) Fundacion para el Desarrollo de Nueva Segovia (Fundenuse), Financiera Fundeser and MiCrédito to help 6,000 coffee and grain farmers be better prepared for climate change. The program utilizes “satellite imagery to