MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Nigeria’s Abia State Opening Microfinance Bank to Support Agriculture

The government of the state of Abia, which is located in southeastern Nigeria, is planning to open a microfinance bank in October 2018. The institution will seek to offer “soft loans” to borrowers unserved by existing financial institutions. Loan sizes are to range from NGN 20,000 (USD 55) to NGN 500,000 (USD 1,375).

The bank will also focus on two other projects that have been approved by the Central Bank of Nigeria with the intent of encouraging farming: (1) a starch processing factory; and (2) the Commercial Agricultural Scheme, which encourages farmers to utilize untapped land in Nigeria with the aim of reducing food prices, generating food for export and reducing inflation.

By Michelle Fleming, Research Associate

Sources and Additional Resources

Sun News article: Abia Government to Establish Microfinance Bank to Assist SMEs

Central Bank of Nigeria on the Commercial Agricultural Scheme

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