MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: BBVA Global Financial Education Plan Seeks to Reach 50m People

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), a global financial services group based in Spain, recently updated its Global Financial Education Plan, seeking to engage 1 million additional people in training sessions and provide related online material to a further 50 million people over the course of three years. The content aligns with the financial literacy framework for adults published by the EU’s European Commission and 38-member Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The goal is to help individuals, especially entrepreneurs, develop financial skills, including digital financial skills. For businesses, the training includes material on improving financial health in alignment with environmental protection.

BBVA’s announcement came during Global Money Week 2022, an OECD effort to promote financial well-being among young people. From 2008 though 2021, BBVA hosted 16 million people in financial education workshops, and 32 million used its related online content.

BBVA was founded in 1857. As of December 2021, it serves 82 million customers in 28 countries online and via 6,083 branches. The institution’s assets total EUR 663 billion (USD 740 billion).

By Sheen Gupta, Research Associate

Sources and Additional Resources

BBVA press release

BBVA homepage

EU/OECD Financial Competence Framework for Adults in the European Union

OECD’s Global Money Week homepage

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