MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: 60 Decibels Microfinance Index Offers Impact Data from 18k Customers of 72 MFIs

Impact-measurement firm 60 Decibels recently released data it has assembled from 18,000 clients of 72 microfinance institutions (MFIs) that serve 25 million people in 41 countries. The report is based on a survey exploring changes in factors such as income, stress level, number of employees and ease of affording loan repayments, as well as levels of spending on food, housing, health and education.

Customers attributed the following changes to their use of MFI services: 15 percent reported the amount or quality of the food their family eats “very much improved”; 18 percent said their savings very much increased; 19 percent said their level of stress related to finances decreased very much; and 24 percent said their earnings increased very much as a result of their borrowing. In addition to this and other global data, the report offers data segmented by continent.

60 Decibels has offices in India, Kenya, the UK and the US.

Sources and Additional Resources

60 Decibels homepage

60 Decibels Microfinance Index?

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