MICROFINANCE PAPER WRAP-UP: “Young People in Africa: Research Showing Opportunities for Financial Service Providers in Morocco, Nigeria and Senegal,” Published by World Savings Banks Institute

By Lise Paaskesen and Steven Peachey, published by the World Savings Banks Institute (WSBI), October 2019, 45 pages, available at 

The Scale2Save initiative of WSBI and the Mastercard Foundation is intended to contribute to improving financial services for people aged 15 to 30 years by examining their access to services, support structures and entrepreneurship opportunities in three rapidly growing African countries – Morocco, Nigeria and Senegal. Part of this work is to identify effective ways for financial services providers (FSPs) to connect with these populations. 

Using mechanisms such as 13-week financial diaries and quantitative analyses of public data, the authors find that gender, age and geographic location often dictate the range of opportunities available to younger populations. These three basic factors also tie into more complex influences, such as social pressures and gender norms. 

The authors argue that FSPs should focus on addressing various stages of young people’s lives as well as their diverse lifestyles. Different segments of this market can benefit from tailored mixes of individual savings accounts, loans, household accounts and access to financial technology. 

For those who are financially dependent on their families, a shared account can allow free transfers among household members. An account targeted to those under 18 could include a set of functions that are enabled over time, as the client becomes increasingly financially independent. FSPs can support young entrepreneurs by partnering with other organizations to provide training to typically marginalized groups, such as women or those living in rural areas. FSPs can also promote inclusion through digital and print campaigns that target youth, exposing them to the potential benefits of financial services.

By Anna Gravois, Research Associate

Sources and Additional Resources 

“Young People in Africa” report

WSBI homepage

Mastercard Foundation homepage

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