MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Government of North Darfur Allots $10m for Agriculture Microfinance in Sudan

The government of the Sudanese state of North Darfur has announced that it has allocated SDG 27 million (USD 10.1 million) for microfinance projects to finance winter agriculture in the state. North Darfur Finance Minister Dr Abdu Daud Suleiman reportedly said that the funding aims to enable 25,000 farmers in the localities of Millit, Kutum, Saraf Omra and Kabkabiya to plant groundnuts, vegetables and gum arabic [1]. It is unclear if loans will be made directly by government agencies or via intermediaries.

Sudan has a population of approximately 45 million. Its agriculture sector employs 80 percent of the labor force [2].

By Kristha Abores, Research Associate

Sources and Additional Resources:

[1] Sudan Vision: “North Darfur Earmarks SDG27 Million for Microfinance,” http://news.sudanvisiondaily.com/details.html?rsnpid=201747

[2] CIA World Factbook: Sudan, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/su.html

MicroCapital.org article, October 3, 2011, “MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Insurance Industry in Sudan to Guarantee Loans for Microfinance Projects,” https://www.microcapital.org/microcapital-brief-insurance-industry-in-sudan-to-guarantee-loans-for-microfinance-projects/

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