MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Alquity Investment Management to Launch Fund that will Support Microfinance Projects in Africa

Alquity Investment Management, founded in 2009 as part of the London- and Hong Kong-based Alquity Group, which also incorporates Smoothed Growth Investment Management (SGI-Management), will soon launch a fund invested in listed African equities. The fund will be open to institutional and retail investors and will “put at least 25 percent of its revenues into microfinance projects in Africa,” according to an article in the British online newspaper, the Financial Times.

The One Foundation, the charitable division of the Maine-based consultancy, Global Ethics, will manage the charitable projects.

By Stefanie Rubin, Research Associate

About Alquity Investment Management:

Alquity Investment Management was founded in 2009 as part of the Alquity Group, which also incorporates Smoothed Growth Investment Management (SGI-Management), an investment management company with USD 130 million of assets under management. Alquity Group has offices in London and Hong Kong.

About Smoothed Growth Investment Management (SGI-Management):

Smoothed Growth Investment Management (SGI-Management) offers three fund ranges. According to its website, “some provide exposure to market driven assets, and some are a unique blend of market and non market correlated investments. All aim to provide smoothed returns.” SGI-management has approximately USD 130 million of assets under management.

Additional Resources:

Source Article: Financial Times: “Alquity to Give Away 25% of Revenue,” http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/941b5b0c-2308-11df-a25f-00144feab49a.html

Ifaonline.co.uk: “Alquity Group Fund Set to Support Microfinance Projects,” http://www.ifaonline.co.uk/international-investment/news/1593843/alquity-group-fund-set-support-microfinance-projects

MicroCapital Universe: Alquity Investment Management: https://www.microcapital.org/microfinanceuniverse/tiki-index.php?page=Alquity+Investment+Management

MicroCapital Universe: Smoothed Growth Investment Management: https://www.microcapital.org/microfinanceuniverse/tiki-index.php?page=Smoothed+Growth+Investment+Management+%28SGI-Management%29

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