MICROFINANCE PAPER WRAP-UP: “Predictors of Microfinance Sustainability: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh,” by Maeenuddin et al

This article examines the financial sustainability of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Bangladesh. Using data from the MIX Market database, the authors develop a

MICROFINANCE PAPER WRAP-UP: “Fintech, Digital Finance and Funding: How the Development Sector Is Channeling Money to Digital Financial Services,” by Howard Miller

This paper outlines a system to “identify, classify and measure the funding flows going to DFS [digital financial services]” from funders such as development finance institutions and private foundations. The objective was to “help the inclusive finance sector better coordinate, fill gaps and identify new pathways for funding the sustainable development of digital financial services for financial inclusion.” Mr Miller’s primary findings were:

1) Development funders had USD 1.95 billion in outstanding commitments as of year-end 2018, 60 percent of which was allocated to