MICROFINANCE PUBLICATION ROUND-UP: Social Cash Transfers and Financial Inclusion, Investment and Microfinance Repayment Crises, Cashless Funeral Microinsurance

“Social Cash Transfers and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Four Countries;” by Chris Bold, David Porteous and Sarah Rotman; published by CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor); February 2012; 28 pages; available at: http://www.cgap.org/p/site/c/template.rc/1.9.56877/

In the past five years, several countries have sought to increase the use of electronic government payments partially in the interest of promoting greater financial inclusion. The paper considers the role of government in promoting infrastructure development, creating regulation and increasing transaction volumes.

“An Exploration into Whether Investment Contributed to Microfinance Repayment Crises, and Whether Measures of Investment Activity Might Serve as Early Warning Signals for Future Microfinance Crises;” by Luis A Viada and Scott Gaul; published by MicroRate and Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX); February 2011; 9 pages; available at: http://www.microrate.com/downloads/62

This paper explores whether the level of funding of microfinance institutions (MFIs) contributes to excessive lending to microborrowers and whether this leads to microfinance crises. The authors suggest that there is a positive relationship between levels of MFI borrowing activity and deterioration both in underwriting standards and the operational effectiveness of MFIs.

“MILK Brief #8: “Doing the Math” – Cashless Funeral Microinsurance in Colombia;” by Barbara Magnoni and Derek Poulton; published by Microinsurance Learning and Knowledge (MILK); 2012; 8 pages; available at: http://www.microinsurancecentre.org/resources/documents/doc_details/840-milk-brief-8-qdoing-the-mathq-cashless-funeral-microinsurance-in-colombia.html

In this paper, the authors consider how the funeral insurance policy “Seguro Exequial” by Mapfre’s Condensa affects the ability of Columbian households to cope financially with death of a family member. The study showed that uninsured people are left to handle expenses about five times higher than those with insurance.

By Natalie Baer, Research Associate

Sources and Additional Resources:

“Social Cash Transfers and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Four Countries” http://www.cgap.org/p/site/c/template.rc/1.9.56877/

“An Exploration Into Whether Investment Contributed to Microfinance Repayment Crises, and Whether Measures of Investment Activity Might Serve as Early Warning Signals for Future Microfinance Crises” http://www.microrate.com/downloads/62

“MILK Brief #8: “Doing the Math” – Cashless Funeral Microinsurance in Colombia” http://www.microinsurancecentre.org/resources/documents/doc_details/840-milk-brief-8-qdoing-the-mathq-cashless-funeral-microinsurance-in-colombia.html

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