MICROFINANCE PUBLICATION ROUND-UP: Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Emerging Markets; Impact of Insurance Literacy on Health Microinsurance in Senegal; State of the Field in Youth Economic Opportunities

Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Emerging Markets: How Banks Can Grasp a $350 Billion Opportunity,” by Mutsa Chironga, et al; published by McKinsey & Company; 2012; 58 pages; available at: http://www.mckinsey.com/clientservice/Financial_Services/Knowledge_Highlights/Recent_Reports/MSME%20Emerging%20Banking.aspx

This report claims that now is the time for traditional banks to increase their efforts to serve micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in emerging markets. The authors give three reasons to support their argument: (1) an estimated 60 percent of global banking revenue growth over the upcoming decade will take place in emerging markets; (2) more emerging market banks are overcoming the challenges of serving the MSME segment; and (3) innovations in technology, risk assessment and business models are making it easier to serve this market. The report further explores the reasons for the predicted revenue growth and evaluates three groups of emerging markets countries: “red hot,” “warm,” and “cool.” The document also highlights seven case studies of distribution models found in emerging markets.

Is It All About Money? A Randomized Evaluation of the Impact of Insurance Literacy and Marketing Treatments on the Demand for Health Microinsurance in Senegal,” by Jacopo Bonan, et al; published by Microinsurance Innovation Facility, European Development Research Network, International Labour Office; February 2012; 22 pages; available at: http://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/mifacility/download/repaper14.pdf

This paper documents the results of a health microinsurance literacy effort that gave information on the benefits of health microinsurance and the operation of mutual health organizations (MHOs) to a randomly selected sample of 360 households in the city of Thies, Senegal. Each household received information as well as one of three marketing treatments in the form of redeemable vouchers offering different monetary compensations for joining an MHO. The study found that providing more information did not affect potential clients’ choice, but the vouchers caused more households to sign up for health microinsurance.

2012 State of the Field in Youth Economic Opportunities,” published by Making Cents International; March 2012; 246 pages; available at:

This report summarizes the Global Youth Economic Opportunities 2011 Conference (GYEOC), which covered points including expanding workforce development efforts, targeting marginalized populations, building and protecting girls’ assets, promoting financial inclusion through youth financial services and implementing new approaches such as microconsignment, in which entrepreneurs create businesses without start-up equity by using a consignment model. Several decisions were made in an effort to improve results in the field, including replicating proven program models, partnering with youth and sharing tasks between the government and private sector.

By Charlotte Newman, Research Associate

“Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Emerging Markets: How Banks Can Grasp a $350 Billion Opportunity,” http://www.mckinsey.com/clientservice/Financial_Services/Knowledge_Highlights/Recent_Reports/MSME%20Emerging%20Banking.aspx

“Is it all About Money? A Randomized Evaluation of the Impact of Insurance Literacy and Marketing Treatments on the Demand for Health Microinsurance in Senegal,” http://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/mifacility/download/repaper14.pdf

“2012 State of the Field in Youth Economic Opportunities,” http://www.youtheconomicopportunities.org/download_form2012.asp

MicroCapital.org story, April 2, 2012, “MICROFINANCE PUBLICATION ROUND-UP: Small-Scale Solar Power Projects, Health Worker Preferences for Insurance Payment Mechanisms, Effects o Microinsurance on Poor People in Vietnam,” https://www.microcapital.org/microfinance-publication-round-up-small-scale-solar-power-projects-health-worker-preferences-for-insurance-payment-mechanisms-effects-of-microinsurance-on-poor-people-in-vietnam/

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