MICROCAPITAL EVENT: Access Development Services Hosts Microfinance India Summit 2013, December 9-10; Livelihoods India Conference 2013 December 11-12, 2013

Event Name: Microfinance India Summit 2013, Livelihoods India Conference

Event Date: December 9-10, December 11-12

Event Location: New Delhi, India

Cost: The registration fees for the Microfinance India Summit are INR 10,000 (USD 163) for Indian citizens and USD 500 for internationals.  The fees for the Livelihoods India Conference are INR 4,500 (USD 73) for Indian citizens and USD 350 for internationals. A discounted rate for attending both conferences is available for INR 14,000 (USD 228) for Indian citizens and USD 810 for internationals. A 30-percent discount for the Microfinance India Summit is offered to regional rural banks, cooperative banks, and small microfinance institutions (MFIs). A 30-percent discount for the Livelihoods India Conference is offered to NGOs with an annual turnover of less than INR 50 million (USD 817,000).

Event Summary: The Microfinance India Summit is an annual two-day conference that brings together policy makers, microfinance experts, and academics to discuss microfinance in India. Plenary sessions and breakout sessions will be held to discuss current issues and challenges in the industry.

The Livelihoods India Conference is an annual two-day event for microfinance experts and policy makers to discuss issues related to sustainable livelihoods of the poor. This year’s theme is “The Quest for Scale” and some of the session themes include approaches to sustainable livelihoods in urban areas, social entrepreneurship, and women and land.

About the Organizers: Access Development Service is an Indian nonprofit consultant to microfinance institutions (MFIs) that offers capacity building and technical services on topics such as operating structure, portfolio management and financial management. It also works to facilitate funding to 130 member MFIs through the Access Microfinance Alliance (AmFA).

Event Website: Microfinance India Summit 2013: http://www.microfinanceindia.org

Livelihoods India 2013: http://accessdev.org/lh-livelihoods-india.php

For additional information on both events, you may contact Juhi Natu by phone at +91 11 26510915 or by email at microfinanceindia[at]accessassist.org

By Megan McGowan, Research Associate

About Access Development Services:

Access Development Service is an Indian nonprofit consultant to microfinance institutions (MFIS). It offers capacity building and technical services on topics such as operating structure, portfolio management and financial management. It also works to facilitate funding to 130 member MFIs through the Access Microfinance Alliance (AmFA). It also organizes the annual Microfinance India Summit. Access Development Services was founded in 2006. Access Development Services does not report to the MIX Market, the microfinance information clearinghouse.

Sources and Additional Resources:

Access Development: “Livelihoods India Conference,” http://www.accessdev.org/lh-li-conference.php

Microfinance India Summit 2012: http://www.microfinanceindia.org

MicroCapital.org Story: “MICROFINANCE EVENT: Access Development Services Host Ninth Microfinance India Summit 2012, New Delhi, November 27 – November 28, 2012,” October 9, 2012, https://www.microcapital.org/microfinance-event-access-development-services-host-ninth-microfinance-india-summit-2012-new-delhi-november-27-november-28-2012/

MicroCapital.org Story: “MICROFINANCE EVENT: Access Development Services Announces Microfinance India Summit 2011, New Delhi, India, December 12 – December 13, 2011,” https://www.microcapital.org/microfinance-event-access-development-services-announces-microfinance-india-summit-2011-new-delhi-india-december-12-december-13-2011/

MicroCapital Universe Profile: Access Development Service, https://www.microcapital.org/microfinanceuniverse/tiki-index.php?page=ACCESS+Development+Services

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